An exciting website http://www.nightclubmarketing.co.uk/ is an uncompleted project and it is a shame to see it go to waste.
Conceived originally as a resource for UK nightclub, late bars and leisure businesses, venue operators and their staff would have immediate access to suppliers of relevant products and services, artist and performers, recruitment opportunities, advice and information on marketing and promotions plus the latest industry news. The public could find their local venues, to see what's on and gain VIP access or discounted admission.
Whilst work has been done on developing some content on it’s accompanying blog, other business priorities mean that it has not reached its true potential. Headline Promotions, Press & PR are, therefore, offering the domain name for sale.
This can be an outright purchase of the name or, as we have a fully operational website design almost ready for launch, we would sell the name and the website.
If you require a fully operational website for marketing to nightclub and late bar personnel and/or customers but do not wish the hassle of maintaining the site, Headline Promotions Press & PR would be pleased to quote for supplying the content and promoting the site for you, at modest monthly fees.
For an informal discussion without obligation please call John Hicks on 07771 575 654 or e-mail him at john@headlinepromotions.co.uk