Basingstoke, Hampshire UK
14th July 2006.
From book-keeper to book author
Basingstoke Accountant, Pastor Eugene Edwards, is currently undertaking a book promotion tour in the United States but has taken time out to appoint Headline Promotions, Press & PR to represent his UK media interests and promotion of his UK signing tour later this year.
Pastor Edwards, a prolific writer across a wide range of subjects, is waiting for the publication of his first book "Destroyed by wind - restored by love" which is based upon his intriguing life history but also combines his Christian philosophy on life.
"I hope that people will enjoy the story but then go on to use the book as a reference book to help them steer a course though life" explained Pastor Edwards. "I want to share this message with as wide an audience as I can in my adopted home country, the UK. Headline Promotions, Press & PR will be assisting to promote this and future titles (“Stress Kills – Beware of it”, “Too Much is as Dangerous as Too Little”, “Me & My Finance”, “Single Women in Business”, “The Other Personalities in Our Lives”, “Why men and women become gay - and what are the Bible’s views on this?”) to be published over the coming years".
John Hicks, Managing Director of the Basingstoke-based marketing, PR and promotions consultancy welcomed the news that Pastor Edwards had chosen his company. He said, "I admire the work Pastor Edwards has undertaken in the community and am looking forward to promote this important first work of his".
"Following his last US tour, when President George Bush and the office of the US Secretary of State invited him to The White House. Eugene has been commissioned to write a biography of one of the most powerful women in the world when she leaves office. This will undoubtedly put Eugene in the international spotlight and we are honoured to represent him here in the UK." John added.
Pastor Edwards is well known in Basingstoke. Not only is he the minister of a local community church but is a manager of the popular Market Square McDonald’s Restaurant.
Headline Promotions are currently working with AFH Website Designs of Yeovil to construct a website to enable people from around the globe to learn more about Pastor Edwards and to more easily obtain a copy of the book. This site, www.restoredbylove.co.uk, has been launched to coincide with the publication of the book.
To book Pastor Edwards as a guest speaker for public events, enquiries should be made in the first instance to John Hicks at Headline Promotions, Press & PR on 07771 575 654 (International +44 7771 575 654) or by e-mail john@headlinepromotions.co.uk
Eugene C. Edwards is a minister of religion and a schoolteacher for the past 20 years. He is the fourth of seven children of his mother, Doreen Browne, and father, Oscar Edwards (deceased). He was born in the small but yet beautiful island where land and sea make beauty, Antigua, West Indies.
Further details at: http://www.restoredbylove.co.uk/
A photograph of Eugene is available. For jpeg please e-mail John Hicks (below) – to view click here.
Headline Promotions, Press & PR was founded by John Hicks, a member of the Institute of Direct Marketing, in 2005 to provide marketing, public relations and promotions support for small to medium sized businesses in the south of England.
Photograph of John Hicks available. For jpeg please e-mail John - to view click here.
Media enquiries to:John Hicks M.IDM
Headline Promotions, Press & PR
Mobile: 07771 575 654
Fax: 0707 520 9717