Operators of nightclubs, bars, pubs, clubs themed bars and late night venues in the UK are reminded of imminent changes to the law
Raising the minimum legal age for tobacco sales:
From 1st October 2007 you must not sell cigarettes, cigarette papers or any other tobacco products to anyone younger than 18.
To comply with the law, signs must be displayed which are at least A3 in size and with lettering no less than 36mm in height.
- In retail premises: “It is illegal to sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 18”
- On vending machines: “This machine is only for the use of people aged 18 or over”
From October 1st 2007, selling tobacco products to someone under 18 from could lead to a fine of £2,500 and failing to display the statutory notice could result in a fine of £1,000.
John Hicks, operator of a major live music venue in the south of England, suggests "Staff training is essential to ensure compliance with the regulations as even the sale of cigarette papers to under 18's will now be illegal. I also recommend that you check that your cigarette vending machine is close to the bar so that staff can observe it's use; if there is a risk that under 18's can use it without being noticed by staff this could expose you to prosecution."
New national minimum wage rates
From October 1st, eligible workers must be paid the following;£5.52 an hour to adult workers aged 22 and over£4.60 an hour to workers aged 18 – 21£3.40 an hour to workers below 18 who are no longer of compulsory school age
John Hicks reminded operators that where accommodation is provided for employees, the maximum amount you can offset against the national minimum wage is a total of £30.10 a week.
Increase in statutory holiday entitlement
From October 1st 2007 the statutory minimum holiday entitlement will be 4.8 weeks (24 days) which can include bank and public holidays. (This will increase to 28 days from April 1st 2009).
Employees will not have to work a qualifying period to be granted this entitlement but you can restrict the rate at which they take leave in their first year.
Part-time workers must receive annual leave equal to 4.8 times their usual working week.
Coming soon, the resource for all nightclubs, late bars and venues: www.nightclubmarketing.co.uk