Author Gregg Waggett is pleased to announce the publication of his first book "In My Blood".
A true story, this book is about a man drawn into the world of private security and logistics after he is forced to quit his business. He encounters different cultures, searing temperatures, bombs, menacing officials, and the threat of expulsion.
An erstwhile warlord in Africa becomes an unlikely ally. At one point, he is arrested, escapes – but is then faced with an agonising dilemma.
There are many lighter moments, too. His fascinating and vivid accounts are written with verve and pace. They take you not just to Iraq, but also to Libya when it was a rogue state, Kuwait, East Africa and the Sudan. In summary, ‘a rich account, skilfully blending a life in security with military tactics, political commentary, travelogue and high comedy’.
Much more than a ‘bang-bullets-and-blazes’ story, this book is a must-read with broad appeal.
Greg Waggett’s enthusiasm for experiences abroad was kindled by an overland trip to Nepal in 1970, a time when going through places like Afghanistan and Iran was comparatively staightforward.
Following this, he joined the British army, firstly as a rifleman, then as an infantry officer. He left after eight years which saw six tours in Northern Ireland, and worked in Libya in agri-business operations for another eight years. (He was in Tripoli, the capital, when the US carried out punitive bombing raids in 1986 – a dramatic and terrifying event which is described in one of the book’s chapters.)
After his time in North Africa, he set up and ran a design and advertising agency in Cambridge.
Two fundamental changes in circumstances led to him working overseas in the insecure world of private security in 2004.
The book, published by Oak Publishing, is a compelling read and is available from them or direct from Greg's website.
Media relations for the publication are being handled by Headline Promotions, Press & PR of Basingstoke.