The Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre is a charity, founded in 1992, with the aim of helping male and female survivors of rape or sexual abuse across Surrey. Clients can talk in confidence using the Helpline or through attending individual counselling sessions or same sex group self-help meetings.
Guildford-based RASASC provide a confidential and caring range of services to anyone whose life has been affected by rape or sexual abuse, whether recently or in the past. Sexual abuse can affect people in many different ways. Often there is no one for the abused person to turn to, no one with whom to share their feelings. Sometimes it is easier to talk to a skilled helper. Someone who can be relied upon to listen carefully and sympathetically, without making judgements.
Guildford-based RASASC provide a confidential and caring range of services to anyone whose life has been affected by rape or sexual abuse, whether recently or in the past. Sexual abuse can affect people in many different ways. Often there is no one for the abused person to turn to, no one with whom to share their feelings. Sometimes it is easier to talk to a skilled helper. Someone who can be relied upon to listen carefully and sympathetically, without making judgements.
Headline Promotions, Press & PR are delighted to support the admirable work of this invaluable charity by providing PR and media relations support.
Our initial work has been to come up with a ten-point action plan for 2008 which we are steadily working our way through with the help of staff, volunteers and management.