Communication Plan & Event Exposure
I was recently asked to advise on devising a communications plan for a major event.
You would need to consider how the profile of the event is to be addressed, with marketing and public relations activity highlighted and costed as necessary, which will ultimately feed into the projected revenue figures.
An event PR plan should be written down and should include:
* A description of the “market” for the event, for example:
Who is the target audience? The profile of the target audience/potential attendees. For instance, are they already dedicated fans, enthusiasts, or casual participants? The geographical elements of the target audience. For instance, are they local, regional, national or international?
* A marketing plan outlining the objectives on pricing policy, advertising and promotion and target audience for the event;
* Sources/requirements for sponsorship – financial or services (from hair stylists for photo-calls to host venues)
* A public relations plan for raising the profile of the event locally, regionally, nationally and internationally as applicable; design of a media kit for quick response to enquiries;
* The image of the event that is to be portrayed to the public including the involvement and use of celebrities;
* The communication campaign in detail – from advertising and press releases through to social networking e.g. Facebook and MySpace;
* PR input into corporate or event website(s) and links to news coverage worldwide;
* How public awareness will be monitored;
* How media opportunities will be identified - and the anticipated exposure from all media outlets - television, radio and press incorporating:
.....National broadcasters – likely provider and extent of coverage incorporating any minimum requirements (such as free-to-air exposure/peak time programming etc.)
.....Overseas broadcasters – source, guarantees to be (or already) provided to the event organiser and/or hosts; and
.....Requirement for broadcasting sponsorship rights including the impact on event exposure and other anticipated partners;
* Detailed PR management “on the day” of events;
* PR budget with accountability and authorisation processes for budget lines.
Photos: Headline Promotions team out with the VK Balloon Team