THE POWER OF RADIO – Newly re-launched CMRPlus Radio (CMR+), Europe’s leading country music station, asked me to put into simple language why their advertisers should use the power of CMR Plus.
My brief was as follows:
CMR+, the European satellite and global country music station, has launched its new online service at www.cmrplusradio.com to give 24 hour coverage every day of the week throughout the year.
Fans of country music, of which there are many thousands here in the UK, have been tuning into this new music channel dedicated to their particular interests following the launch of CMR+ on both Sky 0163 and (Eurobird 1 Satellite) since January this year. With recent movies such as “Brokeback Mountain” and the Johnny Cash story, “Walk the Line”, becoming such box office hits, country music has reached huge new audiences in addition to its legions of loyal followers throughout the world.
CMR+ broadcasts daily on Sky 01603 and Eurobird 1 Mon-Fri 12 noon - 6 pm and is now available 24 hours a day through its new online service www.cmrplusradio.com.
The new website streams the very best in country music and features numerous interactive functions; artist biographies, new releases, video clips and live feeds from ‘Nashville’. CMR+ fans will be able to register free for a V.I.P. pass that will allow them to enter station competitions and get access to specially negotiated offers on tickets, music and travel.
The station features today’s American country music and the latest and greatest from Europe, and Australia. The music is exclusively country 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, playing all styles including Americana, Alt Country, Bluegrass and Country Gold.
My response was:
Radio gets personal: Listeners have an emotional connection with favourite stations and announcers. They tune in regularly, build bonds with on-air personalities and trust the information they hear. Listeners believe their station is speaking directly to them. You can also sponsor specific elements – such as traffic reports, news reports, weather reports, specific programmes and even create your own (e.g. travel companies or ski manufacturers can have their own ski weather reports – I even had one car dealership sponsor news reports on world motor rally championships in which their brand was represented!).
Radio connects: Radio engages the listener’s imagination and creates a vivid theatre of the mind. That’s why radio advertising has the power to penetrate barriers, inspire thought, create action and deliver results. Radio has always afforded the most creativity of any medium, and this is especially true with the advent of the digital age. In a radio commercial, you can create virtually any situation with a little imagination and sound effects.
Radio is flexible: At the drop of a hat, you can change your radio advertising message and when it’s scheduled to play. For example, you have a slow-selling line – simply change your advert to promote that specifically. I have found from personal experience that, if a client has an urgent recruitment vacancy, you can get your message on air within hours!
Radio gives you a captive audience: Take a look at a cluster of newspaper ads sometime, then compare it to the way radio commercials reach consumers... one at a time! When your ad spot plays on the radio, it has centre stage with no other ad message to distract the listener.
Accessibility/Interactivity: Unlike television and print, radio can interact with the consumer. For example, CMR+ can offer a promotion or contest geared to generate new traffic to your business or website.
Radio works? Why do I recommend clients to use radio? To win credibility, stay on top and increase the bottom line.
What works on radio then? Timing – aiming your advertising when the market trend is up, thus maximising your potential market share
Unique Selling Points: why should the listeners buy from you and what will put your business on their shopping list?
Frequency: what you say, multiplied by how many times you say it, is a well-proven formula that works!
Targeting: radio can pinpoint varying demographics and age ranges throughout the day to enable you to target your campaign successfully!
Copy (the commercial content): as I say, radio is a theatre of the mind and can create an image of your business. Remember, as with your advertisements or brochures, a “call to action” increases the chance of an instant response.
So what is the appeal of CMR Plus?
It is a new station with much to prove! This means that it is cost-effective and will work with you to gain your business competitive advantage! Its offering of modern country music and Americana – including live broadcasts straight from Tennesse – is unique and appeals to a wide audience both in the UK and across Europe on Sky. With the 24/7 exposure on the Internet it will also attract considerable interest from the US where people love to hear the European perspective on what they regard as “their” cultural heritage.
All in all, I will have no hesitation in recommending CMR+ to my clients who need to reach an adult audience in a non-threatening environment.
This article is copyright of John Hicks and Headline Promotions, Press & PR (www.headlinepromotions.co.uk)