I have been asked to facilitate a meeting for a new management team of a proposed bar, restaurant and nightclub facility in the southern UK.
I have prepared an agenda which might prove to be a useful checklist for leisure managers in a similar situation - so I thought that I would share it with you:
1. Brief overview of the project
2. Demographics of the town
3. SWOT analysis of the business
4. SWOT analysis of opposition venues and their pricing
5. Our business plan including pricing
6. Our target market
7. Budget for launch
8. Launch programme
9. Print requirements (USP and call to action)
10. Current data
11. Acquisition of new and ongoing data
12. Promotional team - how many, uniforms etc
13. Promotional team leaders
14. Promotions plan - days, times, rotas, areas
15. Newtworking targets
16. Networking areas - times, days, rota
17. Networking package offers
18. Restaurant deals/drivers
19. Restaurant kids menu and birthday parties
20. Street stunts and publicity
21. Live music nights
22. Website, photo gallery, membership, vouchers
23. Membership and deals
24. Radio campaign - which station, Reach, OTH (Opportunities To Hear)
25. Radio campaign call to action, presenter talk ups
26. Radio station roadshows & promotion vehicles
27. Advertising van
28. Video van
29. PR
30. Newspaper advertisements
31. Leaflet drop door-to-door
32. Staff recruitment
33. Staff Training
34. Appointment of sales manager - and targets
35. Telesales campaign
36. Contrived lets awards
37. Friends & Family Night (a dry run)
38. VIP Night and running order
39. Special corporate guests - invitations, accommodation etc
40. Personal Appearances
41. Red carpet night
42. Action plan - who is doing what?
43. Review dates
44. Any other business
45. Date of next meeting
If you have suggestions for other items we could have considered, please post them as a comment on this blog to help others. Thanks.