Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Meet John Hicks

Meet John Hicks, a member of the UK's prestigious Institute of Direct Marketing, who is Director of Headline Promotions, Press & PR.

John has spent many years in marketing, public relations and promotions - helping businesses, organisations and charities to gain competitive advantage, increased public profile, a positive image and increased revenue.

It is that focus on "increased revenue" which marks out John's successful career. It recognises that you can have many criterion for success but all marketing, public relations, exhibition, seminar or promotions activity should lead to increased revenue. If not, why bother?

In the blog, John will share some of his ideas, experience and expertise. This may be all the help and support a reader needs - if they need more then they can talk to Headline Promotions, Press & PR to explore how John and his team of dedicated professionals can make a difference to their organisation.