Here in the UK, it is very common to see posters on lamp posts and at road junctions or roundabouts promoting “get rich quick” or “earn vast sums of money for part-time work” asking interested people to contact a website.
For some reason, when you see people putting these posters up they are driving 10 year old cars held together with binder cord or chicken wire – hardly the image for someone trying to persuade others that there is a fortune out there to be made for part-time work!
But it did get me thinking about how a business or organisation with a limited budget could promote their website address at low cost.
Here are some suggestions based on my experience:
1. Have a vinyl bumper sticker printed up with your web site address and other business information. Place it on the bumper of your car. People will see it when you're driving. This is permanent but when you sell the car it cam be easily removed without affecting the value of your vehicle. Alternatively, have a magnetic sign made with your web site address and other business information. Place it on your car door or roof when you are travelling but remove it when not.
2. Hugely popular are t-shirts - have some made with your web site address and other business information. Your family or friends could wear them almost anywhere. Get a friendly DJ at the local nightclub to give some out in the venue as competition prizes.
3. Have some ball caps made with your web site address and other business information. Wear them to keep the sun out of your eyes and promote your business at the same time.
4. Have some business cards printed up with your web site address and other business information. Pass them out to people you meet or that might be interested in your business.
5. Have some balloons printed with your website address on it - maybe include a funny cartoon character. They are not too expensive but are hugely popular - just walk through town on a Saturday morning giving them out. All day, you will see people walking around carrying your advertising for free! I usually hire a helium gas bottle from the local gift card shop - helium balloons are very popular and are great advertising when tied to kids pushchairs or being carried along by groups of happy, friendly, youths!
6. Have some flyers printed out with your web site address and other business information. Keep a few with you to post on notice boards you see. I usually ask local shops to display them, they charge very little to leave them in their window for a month. Your frindly fast food take away will often let you leave some on the counter for a week.
7. Have some jackets printed with your web site address and other business information. These will be relatively expensive but give a few away to family and friends. When it's too cold for t-shirts, they can wear jackets. These are always popular and in great demand.
8. Have some bags made with your web site address and other business information. Give them to family and friends as gifts or use them when you travel. Let your kids have them as PE kit bags or lunch bags at school so mums and dads see them.
9. Have some pens imprinted with your web site address and other business information. If they are expensive versions, use them to good effect by enclosing them with your mailshots or by handing them out at exhibitions or events. If you go for cheaper throwaways, you can afford to leave them around – such as on the Bank counter when you sign paying-in slips.
10. Have some mugs imprinted with your web site address and other business information. Use them when you have company or give them away to friends and family as gifts. Use them at events and exhibitions.
11. Register your website address on free local business directories. Research the internet and find free directories, web rings, free classified advertising and free search engine submission services. This takes time but that is the only cost!
12. Badges are cheap – in fact, you can buy kits to make them yourself. Wear them around town and you will find people will ask you about them.