Tuesday, May 09, 2006

How to avoid some basic mistakes in choosing a website

By John Hicks M.IDM
Managing Director of Headline Promotions, Press & PR

There is plenty of advice on the Internet about website design and promotion. I would like to share with you a few thoughts on common mistakes I have seen businesses make when choosing a website:

1. Let "Fred" from the video shop do your website because he has a computer. Websites have become a science over the years and the days of them being just a pretty picture are long gone. A website is a tool that when initialised properly can be your company’s most important “silent salesperson"

2. Buying an "Off the shelf" build your own website program. They often simply do not work! Granted, simple HTML pages are very easy to make (with some experience), however, unless an experienced developer codes them, they have absolutely no value to your business whatsoever.

3. Buying a so called "Package Deal" from a hosting company. Along the years I have been forced to help clients with these so called wizz packages and I cringe every time it happens.Ever wondered why successful companies pay experienced people to build and manage their websites, when they could just buy an "all-in-one" package? They are rubbish and nothing more than a way to separate you from your money.

4. Buying a completely Flash generated website. Flash looks cool, but probably only if you are a high school student! However if you are a serious business, your cool flash website that goes "swoosh" could be causing more damage than good. As a company you want your website to be as accessible as possible. Would you be willing to miss 5-10% (maybe more) of your potential market because they don't have the latest Flash player or the time and patience to wait for it to load? No didn't think so! Flash is also ignored by many of the major search engine robots. Don't get me wrong, I like Flash and work with it in many of my multimedia projects, but in a website it needs to be used in the correct way.

5. Not marketing your website. Many people try a website for their company, and after months of receiving absolutely no leads, they walk away disappointed. The Internet is an instant source of clientele for you, but without the correct approach, you become just another web page amongst millions. What's the use of "telling" your clients about your website? They are already your clients; of course, you need to do this but you surely want to reach new candidates that you can turn into a new client. This is where the importance of marketing your site in the right areas is vital. Done the right way, you can reach completely niche crevices and turn your business into a winner within days. A good starting point is to explore http://www.engineseeker.com/ but there are many resources on-line if you have the time. If not, then use the services of a marketing & pr consultant.

All in all, my advice is to find someone who can recommend a website designer - personal recommendations count for so much! I always recommend Alex at AFH Website Designs (http://www.afhwebsitedesign.co.uk/) who have given me sterling service at very fair prices. I recently recommended them to CMRPlus Radio (http://www.cmrplusradio.com/) who were delighted with their work.

Always arrange for an informal discussion – make sure it is free and without obligation!

If you like them and their ideas – and they quote a fair price – then give them a chance. Remember – if they are good then recommend them to others.

If you have any thoughts on this article please e-mail them to me at john@headlinepromotions.co.uk