Basingstoke, Hampshire UK
20th June 2006.
Modern Romance story to be headline news
1980’s pop legends MODERN ROMANCE, who had hits worldwide with such hits as ‘Best Years of Our Lives’ still attract crowds at venues across Europe following their music being included in the Box Office hit ‘SHREK’ and on many compilation albums, one released as recently as last month.
The Band, led by original member Andy Kryriacou, have appointed Basingstoke-based Headline Promotions, Press & PR to handle their UK media relations.
Initially focussing on a 2007 UK tour, Headline Promotions will develop and implement an integrated marketing, promotions, PR and advertising campaign working with Andy’s management and support agencies.
It was in April 2001 that Modern Romance was reborn, as a result of many months of deliberation.Andy Kyriacou had been toying with the idea for a long time, and finally, due to constant requests from family, friends and above all, fans, he opted to “go for it”. Andy has made it clear that the consistent letters from fans, from all over the world, was a very powerful factor in his decision to put the name of the band out on the lips of the public.When asked in an interview, Andy remarked, “The name Modern Romance, would make people immediately break into ‘Everybody Salsa’, or ‘Best years Of Our Lives’, and believe me, that is enough to get you really thinking! People would constantly be asking if the band would follow the trend sweeping the music world, and reform. In the end, I realised that it was something I had to do”.
John Hicks, Managing Director of Headline Promotions Press & PR, said, “I first saw Modern Romance at Butlins Bognor Regis some years ago. At first I didn’t recognise the name but when the band started I realised that I knew all of their songs. They are first class performers and their new tracks are brilliant. We are very much looking forward to raising the band’s profile and marketing them to the corporate market for which I know there will be a huge demand.”
The UK tour will include dates with Andy making personal appearances with dancers or appearing as a 6-piece acoustic set but there will also be dates with the full live 9-piece band.
Details will be published on their website www.modern-romance.com. Venues wishing to book Modern Romance, or Personal Appearances by Andy, are invited to initially contact John at Headline Promotions on 07771 575 654 or john@headlinepromotions.co.uk.
Note to Editors
Further details of Modern Romance are available through his website http://www.modern-romance.com/
External sites include: http://unashamed.pop.mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/page5.html
Telephone interviews can be arranged through Headline Promotions, Press & PR.
A photograph of the band is available. For jpeg please e-mail John - to view click here.
Headline Promotions, Press & PR was founded by John Hicks, a member of the Institute of Direct Marketing, in 2005 to provide marketing, public relations and promotions support for small to medium sized businesses in the south of England.
Photograph of John Hicks available. For jpeg please e-mail John - to view click here.
Media enquiries to:John Hicks
Headline Promotions, Press & PR
Mobile: 07771 575 654
Fax: 0707 520 9717