By John Hicks M.IDM
Headline Promotions, Press & PR
I was invited by the Managing Director of a small, regionally based, chain of hairdressing and beauty salons to recommend a marketing, PR and promotions campaign.
No budget was specified at this stage - that would come at the second stage of the discussions. What he needed was some ideas to throw around.
My team and I "brainstormed" some ideas to present to the senior managers of the salons. My guess was that if I could enthuse the people in the business then we would be commissioned to run the project.
I thought that it might be useful for me to share our ideas with you. This was my pitch:
1. Initial press release about instructing Headline Promotions, Press & PR - to start raising brand awareness online and in traditional media
2. Putting gallery of pictures of hairstyles on website (they have a lovely website but no photo gallery)
3. Awards from suppliers, obtain quality marks etc – even an Award from the Managing Director for “employee of the year” maybe
4. Host a hair fashion show, perhaps where the stylists create the hairstyles on the stage in front of people (maybe in a town centre or in a hotel), then move onto a catwalk with all the hairstyles
5. Customer competitions, e.g. Win Free Hair Cuts or Colours (leaflet drop, radio advert, newspaper advert, newspaper coupon offer)
6. “Recommend a friend” and (say) get say 20% off you next appointment – word of mouth!!!
7. Use models with good hair styles to flyer in town
8. Joint promotion with local restaurant, bar, nightclub
9. Create a buzz with Poster Boards, Advertising Boards (train stations, supermarkets etc), Bus advertising
10. Business card campaign – maybe with offer attached – give them out liberally including putting on notice boards in newsagents, fast food takeaways, tyre & exhaust centres
11. Charity fundraiser – donate to charity, coffee morning, red hair day
12. Press release to announce new staff
13. Use recruitment as marketing & PR tool – use high quality posters in window, offer College students work experience (good PR within the Colleges) or “drop-in careers guidance day” in salon
14. Weddings – attend wedding fairs with free advice clinics, special offers for hotel customers, posters in bridal shops. Send a junior to the Registry Office once a week to see list and send them a letter
15. Direct mail letter to customers (building a database at every opportunity)
16. Networking local businesses with VIP offer to staff (posters on notice boards!)
17. Prizes for school raffles and charity fundraisers – with name boldly on the envelopes, maybe couple of good=looking staff to go along to the event
18. Celebrity Personal Appearance – as customer or celebrity stylist
19. Listings in free business directories e.g. Kellysearch, Yell.com, Yellow Pages, Thompson Directory andlocal directories
20. Presentation at business clubs, church groups, women’s’ groups etc (networking – by senior staff)
21. Offer Wedding & Conference Co-ordinators at major local wedding venues an opportunity to use your salon free of charge so they can see what you have to offer (and recommend you – word of mouth again)
22. Offer specials e.g. for Mothers Day, Easter Specials, Holiday Specials maybe as a complete beauty package and/or with gift vouchers
23. Build up senior stylist as a local celebrity and media speaker on fashion, hair and beauty issues
24. Obtain a promotional branded car sponsored by a dealership in return for the publicity
I emphasised that this was all assuming that the product/service is right from booking and “meet & greet” right through style of premises & staff and to delivery so that “word of mouth” is positive – and that they are geared up to maximise the spend per person.
Well, I made the presentation to staff and it went down a storm. Because one of the salons will shortly have a major refurbishment the focus was on that unit - with a budget to match.
The combined fashion show and hair style show was quickly developed in the meeting to a major annual event as soon as I proposed running a "face of name of salons" competition. This idea was grabbed with great enthusiasm and clinched the deal.
This is such an exciting project - I will keep you posted through this blog on how it all goes!