By John Hicks M.IDM, Managing Director of Headline Promotions, Press & PR
There is an almost never-ending number of ways you can promote your business—everything from using advertising promotion items through to advertising in the Yellow Pages or holding a special event.
Some are low budget whilst others will cost time and money so look at your time and financial resources first. Then look at some of my suggestions below.
1. Send news releases to the media yourself or get someone to do it for you.
2. Send sample products to famous TV personalities.
3. Sponsor events.
4. Hold a grand opening or re-launch.
5. Write articles that display your expertise.
6. Pitch stories about your company to the media.
7. Advertise in newspapers.
8. Advertise in magazines.
9. Advertise on the radio.
10. Advertise on television.
11. Advertise on search engines.
12. Advertise on buses and taxis.
13. Advertise in business and local directories.
14. Advertise in ezines.
15. Advertise on websites.
16. Send comments and questions to news groups.
17. Create a new website.
18. Develop a company brochure.
19. Send a postcard. Or a series of postcards.
20. Develop an innovative direct-mail piece and mail it.
21. Then follow-up your direct mailshot by telephoning recipients.
22. Join 4Networking or another networking group.
23. Join business organisations, like the local chamber of commerce.
24. Join service organisations, like Rotary International.
25. Join industry trade groups.
26. Attend conferences.
27. Write and place advertorials for your business in co-operation with your suppliers.
28. Develop a new logo and corporate identity and tell everyone about it.
29. Develop a new product or service and announce it to the media, your customers and prospects.
30. Speak at business meetings.
31. Create an electronic newsletter (ezine). Send it to your clients, prospects and business associates (only after getting permission, of course).
32. Donate your products or services to charitable auctions.
33. Give seminars.
34. Get on the programme at conferences.
35. Get quoted in other people’s ezines.
36. Submit “letters to the Editor”.
37. Write letters to reporters, introducing yourself and identifying your areas of expertise.
38. Volunteer in the community.
39. Donate money to causes or champion a fundraising effort.
40. Cold call by telesales or fax attack.
41. Write a book.
42. Become a guest on a talk radio show.
43. Launch an Internet radio station.
44. Run for political office.
45. Raise money for charity.
46. Serve as the chair of highly recognised fundraising events.
47. Hold a special event.
48. Put a sign on your building.
49. Purchase and distribute advertising specialties, like pens, clocks, etc.
50. Wear a company uniform or T-shirt with your company’s name and logo on it.
51. Participate in tradeshows.
52. Hire a pilot to fly your message over a crowd on a streamer behind his plane.
53. Buy a blimp.
54. Write and use a special jingle for your business.
55. Develop a new use for your product or service and let the media know about it.
56. Get your product shown in a TV show or movie.
57. Hire a famous product spokesman.
58. Do something outrageous.
59. Paint your vehicle with your company name, phone and website address (maybe get it sponsored by a local dealership or supplier).
60. Participate in cooperative marketing with other like-minded companies.
61. Hold a contest.
62. Develop a viral marketing campaign.
63. Learn how to introduce yourself in 30 seconds or less.
64. Display a banner outside your building.
65. Create a special signature file for your email that tells what your business does.
66. Have someone walk around with a “sandwich board” advertising your business (my first venture into guerrilla marketing back in the 80’s before the Yanks found the word for it!).
67. Hold teleseminars and invite everyone you know to “attend.”
68. Get some balloons printed with your website on them and hand them to kids in town.
69. Set a new world record- and get it listed on the Internet.
Do look out for what your local Business Link is running by the way of marketing and PR seminars. Apart from being a great networking opportunity, you can pick up a lot of new ideas – and generate some new motivation to make them happen!
One of my favourite expressions is: “I won’t wish you luck – in life, you make your own luck!” Take one or two of these ideas TODAY and start promoting your business.
One final thought – I write a blog myself where I share my ideas, experiences and expertise in the field of marketing, public relations, event management, PR crisis management, exhibition and seminar activity and business promotions. Please do visit the site from time to time – you never know what valuable tips you could pick up. Find me at:
Original article for Article Hangout dotcom - July 2006